

With larger goals of changing the way all homes are built, designed, and owned, Periscope is starting off by revolutionizing the way Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs) are built. Through offsite fabrication, every part of the home is flat-pack shipped and pieced together on-site saving valuable construction time and money.

Juicy Pear built  the company’s online presence, designed an advertising campaign with print and digital ad placements, and captured supporting photography used throughout each touch point.

a picture of a backyard building at night

Periscope ran several advertisements in select print and digital publications including Marin Magazine & Marin Living.

a magazine with a picture of a house on it

A strong online presence was needed in order to clearly demonstrate the unique processes being implemented by Periscope in the creation of their high-end ADUs.

An out-of-home advertising campaign was designed and implemented; postings appeared in select metropolitan areas across the country.

An out-of-home advertising campaign was designed and implemented; postings appeared in select metropolitan areas across the country.

a subway station with a poster on the wall

An investor-facing seed deck was a critical piece of design collateral created for the Periscope team.